40 years after her death, the next century welcomed new books, reprints of older editions and an increasingly global audience for D.E. Stevenson.

Apart from the media coverage and publishing world regaining interest in her work, there also emerged a growing number of fans known s ‘DESsies’ posting information around the globe. These websites contain an amazing mix of biographies, book cover collections, and miniature staging novel scenes – a true fans haven. A special thanks to you all for these delights!

Susan Daly

Susan Monahan

Alison Bunting

Fans can meet on Facebook – CLICK HERE.

Some fans even run online book clubs – click the image to see The Comfort Book Club’s discussion on ‘Miss Buncle’s Book’ on YouTube. Note: there may be adverts and the full chat runs for nearly 30 minutes.

And finally a special invitation for 18th November, 2023, from Dorothy’s granddaughter Wendy Simpson…….

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