Murder, Maggots and Mayhem

Complementing the reopening of Moffat Museum for Spring/Summer 2023 and our main exhibition ‘The Moffat Ravine Murders – the birth of Modern Forensics’, Moffat Museum is co-hosting a talk by Dr Erica McAlister (of the Natural History Museum in London) at Moffat Academy on Tuesday, 28th March 2023, at 4pm, entitled ‘Murder, Maggots and Mayhem – the use of flies as detectives’.

Although the Ruxton Maggots were used in the earliest UK recorded criminal prosecution using forensic entomology, this was not the case for mainland Europe who had been successfully using insects since the middle of the 1800s.

Erica is an entomologist and an expert about flies (Diptera). She is Senior Curator at the Natural History Museum, London, and current President of the Amateur Entomologists’ Society and her talk will explore the use of flies in forensic science.