In the beginning……..


28 JANUARY 1834

Sixpence to be paid by each member and a medal to be played for annually

Sometime between 1834 and 1880 the club changed its name to Craigielands Curling Club – I wonder why?

Here are the original members.  Do any of their descendants still live locally?

George Proudfoot   Stidriggs ?
Robert Burgess   Broomlands
Thomas Marchbank   Beattock
George Burgess   Broomlands
John Marchbank   Milton
John Charters   Ridgefoot
Adam Waugh   Auchencas
James Charters   Woodhouse
John Sadler   village
George Sadler   village
William Waugh   Burnside
David Heathe   Corseknow
James Waugh   cottage
George Robb   lodge
George Brown   Penbank
David Gibson   ?
David Read   Barnhill
James Bryden   Kinnelhead
Samuel Waugh   Bootsburn
George  ?   Old Toll
Robert Mitchell   schoolhouse
George Johnstone   ?
John  ?   ?
Edward Park   village
Thomas Little   Cleuchfoot
John Ballantyne 
Thomas Proudfoot 
John Dalgliesh 
Thomas Burgess 
John  ?   Brecknowe ?
Robert Nichol 


Minutes 1844……..

  • Put in a loch in Mosslands  Mr Anderson having turned off Craigielands Pond all curlers except Caledonian Curlers expense defreyed [sic] by a few members of the Club.  To be used by the Kirkpt. Curlers until a more answerable loch be got.

Club still named Kirkpatrick Juxta Curling Club at this point. Presumably Mr Anderson only allowed curlers who were members of the Caledonian Curling Club?

The minutes from 1844 to 1881 are missing.

1894 / 95 season – a very busy one – presumably also a cold winter……..

  • Craigielands played the annual spiel with Johnstone on Craigielands Pond.  A win!
  • The annual match with Moffat was played at Dumcrieff on very strong ice.  A win for Moffat by 52 shots.  Played with six rinks aside. [sic]
  • The annual match with Wamphray was played on the Bild Loch.  A win!
  • The annual match was played against Applegarth at Craigielands.  Applegarth won by 20 shots.
  • A match was played with the Kirtle Club for the first time on Craigielands Pond.  A win!
  • Four rinks sent to the Waterlow and Craigielands Cup and it was agreed to play the single-handed medal as soon as there is ice – and then the club medal.
  • Expenses for the season included paying someone to cart the stones – to Lochmaben, to Moffat, to Wamphray, to Riggheads, for Applegarth and to Kirtle – altogether £1.17.00 shillings.

Minutes 1901/02……..

  • A friendly game was played on Feb 6 for 10 stones of meal between rinks skipped by Mr Smith and the Rev Mr Brodie the former winning by a majority of 17 shots.
  • A match was also played between Mr Brodie and Mr B Smith for 10/- worth of tea the latter winning with a good majority. For the benefit of the poor.
  • The annual dinner was held on Feb 25th when 29 sat down around the festive board, and a very enjoyable evening was spent with song and sentiment.  When Colonel Younger sang a Curling song composed by the Patroness of the Club, a desire was expressed that with the consent Mrs Smith, that song should be termed our Club song. (Mrs Smith being the wife of James Smith of Craigielands.)

Minutes 1906……..

  • On Feb 2 a two rink match was played on the Artificial Pond for 5/- a Rink for the benefit of an old Curler between Mr Jas Smith and I W Jackson.

Minutes 1909……..

  • On January 17th 1909 a rink representing the club played at Crossmyloof for the Province of Dumfries against the Canadians.  This was Mr R Paterson’s rink.  The Dumfries Province suffered a crushing defeat, but the Craigielands club may congratulate itself – and may heartily congratulate Mr Paterson – upon the fact that his rink scored the solitary victory of the day.  The scores being: Mr Paterson 15…….Mr Parrish 14
  • We have especially to condole with our neighbours of Upper Annandale who met with a severe defeat on this occasion. (A little smile perhaps??)

Minutes 1913……..

  • The Secretary read a letter from Colonel Younger offering a present to the club half the cost of 8 pairs of “Trickers” as in use at the Haymarket Rink Edinburgh : as the cuffing of the steel on deep water often brought up water and destroyed the ice.  A pair of Trickers of this pattern was handed round and examined by members and Mr Bertram Smith offered – should the club adopt them – to pay the other half of the cost.

Secure footing was obtained by the use of trickers (or triggers).  Small metal platforms, usually triangular in shape, set into the ice on prongs, upon which the curler placed his foot.

Minutes 1920/21……..

  • Mr Jas Raphael proposed, and Mr L Fraser seconded, that Mr Dalling of Church Street, Moffat be elected a skip also.  Mr Dalling was prepared to bring his own Rink.  There were some objections raised as to Mr Dalling being elected a Skip on the grounds that he had not been a member of the Club for two years, and also that a 9th Rink would somewhat complicate the Ties & Draws. Thereupon Mr Raphael explained that the circumstances were somewhat unusual as the Moffat Curlers had been denied the use of the Dumcrieff Pond, and further that Mr Dalling had once been a member of the Club.  After some further discussion the Chairman asked for a show of hands. There was a majority of 6 in favour of Mr Dalling being elected whereupon the Chairman declared that Mr Dalling was elected a Skip for 1920 -21.
  • Subscriptions at this time –   6/- for Skips and 2/- for Members

To a certain extent the Skips would have to able to afford their position. Ordinary Members might have the ability but not the resources to be Skip. The subscriptions stayed at this level well into the 1930’s.

Minutes 1924/25……..

  • Owing to the fact that there has been no curling for some years the Secretary consulted some of the Skips and found the feeling prevalent that Curling matters had better lie latent until the ice brought folks together again.  No meeting was called therefore for this season but on the first indication of ice it is hoped that Curlers will be prepared to issue and make good the usual challenges.

The problems of a sport that relies on the weather!

Minutes 1925/26……..note 9/12/25 Re safe thickness of ICE

  • Have since ascertained from Mr Mclish (?) of Lochmaben that they do not consider ice safe to play buntil it is 3½ inches thick with continuing frost.  It would be reasonable therefore to assume that the same applies to Craigielands Lake for large crowds.  One Warriston boy fell in near the outlet, a place against which a general warning had been issued.  He got out however without much difficulty.

Skaters and curlers often shared the same space which must have led to frequent chaos.