A Lifelong Love of Skiing

Hugh was a skilled Skier as was his brother Kenneth and sister, Hilda. All members of the Ski Club of Great Britain they competed in Championships, held in Switzerland. Hugh’s first recorded win with the Ski Club was at the 1914 Championships where he won the Ski Jumping (Junior). Between 1921 and 1924, in British Ski Championships and Ski Meets, he won Ski Jumping, Downhill Racing, Slalom and Handicap races, coming 2nd in Cross Country.

He maintained his interest and involvement in skiing throughout his life and was President of the Ski Club of Great Britain 1924-25. A 12 page article, titled “May in Oberland”, that Dowding wrote for the Ski Club Yearbook (1923) is displayed in the Exhibition ; it exemplifies his passion for skiing as well as a sharp sense of humour. (The article is displayed with kind permission of De Montfort University and The Ski Club of Great Britain.)

Aged 86 Dowding wrote to his close friend, Arnold Lunn, “If I were optimistic enough to believe that heaven awaits, I should join you in wishing that skiing or some other superior substitute lay await for us.”